In the moon's low gravity it was easy for him to shift the door-sized piece of metal, and it fell lazily back to the ground.
My arms fell lazily about the bed.
The water fell lazily around us in great fat drops, splattering everywhere in slow-motion bursts.
The tears were silently rolling down Douglas's cheeks and falling lazily to the floor.
The morning was intensely cold, and large snow-flakes fell lazily and heavily to the earth.
A chair fell lazily, and the bear was of course sorry about that, and ashamed.
He saw a seat, probably the gunner's chair from the ruined turret, falling lazily a few meters away.
Max fired his autocannon, riddling the Quadrono and blowing it to burning shreds that fell almost lazily.
The snow, which had been lazily falling, suddenly ceased.
A place somewhere in the country,' he said into her ear, as his buttocks rose and fell lazily, with no urgency.