The light shifted, pointed toward them as they came, and they stopped, blinking, at the edge of the fall of stones.
The thick glass was gone, but the window slot had been wedged fall of stones; there would be no way to remove them without making a terrible clatter.
Jack pressed by George and looked at the fall of earth and stones in silence.
Perhaps if they flattened themselves behind the fall of stones, they might be able to escape attention.
A miner named Daniel Wales was instantaneously killed by a fall of stones in Lady Ha' Pit on 20 September 1921.
She found Mary lying in sunlight by a fall of stones, not far from the gully.
They passed through the lane; but hardly had Frodo touched the ground when with a deep rumble there rolled down a fall of stones and slithering snow.
There was a bad fall of stones or rocks which came crashing down the hillside and knocked someone out on the path below.
It was in vain that our guide assured him that a fall of stones was a common chance in the springtime at that spot.
Upon hearing of this event the French Academy of Sciences sent the young scientist Jean-Baptiste Biot to investigate that spectacular fall of stones.