Stock prices began to fall on fears that Washington might raise interest rates to halt the currency's decline.
Bank stocks fell on fears of an avalanche of stock offerings.
Markets Stocks fell on fears of another rate increase.
Shares of Delta fell 1.5 percent, to $112.3125, on fears it might have missed an important strategic opportunity.
But the prices of those bonds have fallen in recent weeks on growing fears that the tobacco companies might not complete their payments.
Auto stocks have fallen on fears that the economy is slowing.
Its share price fell 3.29 percent today, to $23.79, on fears that the new guidance would be gloomy.
Lumber prices fell the daily limit on fears the Fed's move may reduce demand for housing.
But they fell on fears that the economic slowdown would hurt corporate profits.
Symbol's stock fell 12 percent on the news, on fears the company had overpaid.