I'm no stranger to tripping and falling, but to fall with such force did a number on the left side of my body.
Each strike fell with greater force than the last, wounded her more deeply.
The blows fell with vicious force, and Hawk could hear the harsh breathing of his attackers.
This man, Mo Lee, didn't have the world's best hands, I thought, as he fell upon me with great force.
But if the period is omitted then the sentence, no longer held in check, falls upon the listener immediately with full force.
The rain fell with such force that it stripped the leaves off the trees and the air smelled of bilge.
Thunder rolled across the sky, lightning following instantly, and the rain fell with great force.
He fell with tremendous force on this wrist.
Smith was flung off by my fall, and, owing to the speed I was going at, he must have fallen with great force.
The Grads fell with monstrous concussive force throughout the day.