In places Mr. Fox's interpretation relies on false alternatives, and in some cases his evidence could be used to make the opposite point.
He struggled to pick a real memory from his past, discarding the false alternatives flashing by.
This is a false alternative of historic dimensions.
But war was a false alternative: another choice was sustained diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, with benefits to the North only after verified performance.
It limits the reader to choose between two erroneous or false alternatives: Limasawa that has no anchorage, and Butuan which is not an island.
Western deception staffs alternated "ambiguous" and "misleading" deceptions; the former intended simply to confuse analysts, and the latter to make one false alternative especially likely.
As with the war in Vietnam, Americans are offered a choice between false alternatives.
These are false alternatives.
Yet for the historical theologian to attempt to decide between gnostic and orthodox exegesis would be to accept a false alternative.
"the question is based on a false alternative"