A scattered guard was to remain free, to avoid any false attacks and a later attack from a point millions of miles distant.
At the same time, the 74th and 78th highlanders diverted the attention of the defenders by false attacks from the south.
Joe's campaign has consisted of personal and false attacks about Ned.
He had already made one false attack early in the morning, and been severely handled, he was aware of his own deficiencies as a general.
Mount a few false attacks to pull them up onto the wall, then fall back and let the archers shoot them in the face.
The speed of our false Iranian attack has frozen the Americans.
He stated that protecting reputation from false attacks was a justifiable purpose of the law.
"Our present leadership," said John Kerry, "has given us the old politics of false and simplistic negative attacks."
"It just doesn't seem honorable that Pete is now making these false attacks on me and my wife," he added.
After a campaign filled with excuses to justify your record and a campaign of false attacks on me, is that all you've got?