'To hasten the King's death, deposition, insanity, etc., and make sure that there were always at least three false claimants to the throne', among other things.
Union Carbide, the Government, the false claimants and others all contributed to delays that victimized Bhopal's poor a second time.
At least three false claimants did present themselves as Nero redivivus (resurrected).
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad challenged Dowie to a prayer duel, stipulating that the false claimant would die in the lifetime of the truthful.
Michel Roger Lafosse, false claimant to the Scottish throne, was born in the municipality in 1958, but was never a resident.
New independent medical tests have been introduced so that false claimants do not bring disability benefits into disrepute.
Some of the civilians were false claimants who had allowed their names to be used on fictitious claims, the officials said.
Alhazen wrote a work on Islamic theology, in which he discussed prophethood and developed a system of philosophical criteria to discern its false claimants in his time.
After discovering other false claimants as well, Mr. Worley now sends for the military records of anyone seeking to join the group.
Of the 61,000 only 3,000 were given complete exemption and 18,000 were dismissed as false claimants.