Some 90 percent of false convictions in the rape cases involved misidentification by witnesses, very often across races.
This suggests that the number of false convictions is higher than previously understood.
DNA science has drawn attention to the frequency of false convictions.
Are we to believe that false convictions basically never occur in drug cases, robberies or frauds?
Nobody knows how many false convictions happen in America.
"Their mothers are jokers," he said, his voice emphatic with false conviction.
To me," he said, "there is no room for the cynical politics of manufactured anger and false conviction.
Eyewitness testimony is very often wrong, and the scrutiny put on it greatly reduces the number of false convictions.
He added, "And today our system of justice has not dishonored her memory by a false conviction."
Since 1963, courts have found 12 cases of false conviction, including 3 people sentenced to death and 3 to life imprisonment.