Pasquale Caggiano was also a candidate, but was ruled off of the ballot due to false signatures.
The masks gave off false infrared signatures, and were profoundly uncomfortable, with their built-in heat- ing elements warm against Bobby's skin.
There are many planetary candidates that the team must assess and verify as a true planet or a false signature.
Tom gives Shaker the check with a false signature, but Shaker realizes that Tom is on to him.
Signed by Erlich, the lawyer - a false signature.
A check that you have never seen," specified Planchini, "but with a false signature which you know to be a forgery.
Preferably she should delete them; otherwise, others gaining access to them would later be able to create false signatures.
Data analysis and ground-based followup observations are underway to rule out "false signatures" and verify which are really planets.
This could lead to the submission of false signatures and therefore detract from the popular democratic value of the initiative.
They each pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charges of forging and submitting false signatures, and criminal conspiracy.