While in prison for falsified passports, he was visited by the American Rightist Willis Carto.
When the authorities opened it to determine whose suitcase it was, they discovered several of Yockey's falsified passports and birth certificates.
But from interviews and a review of public records in Canada, a picture is emerging of a man who moved easily from country to country with falsified passports.
While in prison for possessing falsified passports, he was visited by Carto who eventually became the chief advocate and publisher of Yockey's ideas.
Additionally, in 2010 police confiscated two falsified passports belonging to Niels Holck whilst searching his home.
Because Zoya had entered the UK with a falsified passport, she was almost deported, but was allowed to stay while applying for refugee status.
The government said it had also found falsified passports and forged immigration stamps as well as material linking the men to Al Qaeda.
Such falsified passports can be used for escape into exile, identity theft, age deception, illegal immigration, and organized crime.
Using a falsified passport and a bogus story about persecution in Algeria, Ressam entered Montreal and claimed political asylum.
They evidenced his travels to Spain during 1915 and 1916, both with an alias using a falsified Swiss passport.