The famed Delmonico's restaurant was at Fifth and 26th.
Chez Panisse, the famed restaurant in Berkeley, Calif., is not on OpenTable.
I found my way to the famed Arnaud's restaurant, built in 1918, lit up from the street like an oil painting, and recently reopened.
Reward: Dinner with Trump at the famed Club 21 restaurant.
Blais has also studied in numerous famed restaurants, including Chez Panisse.
Their biggest single pledge, teachers and parents said, was $2,500 from the Rao family, whose famed Italian restaurant is a few blocks away.
Manhattan's famed Sardi's restaurant included Old London crackers by name on the menu for its "executive weight watchers" meal.
This still was a great deal of money in an era when the average workingman earned $500 a year and a lavish dinner at the famed Delmonico's restaurant cost $1.50.
Lomonaco is a co-author of The 21 Cookbook, published by Doubleday in 1995, commemorating his recipes at the famed restaurant.
Upon leaving the Cobalt Club, he went to a very small, but expensive, restaurant famed for its French cuisine.