A number of films were also made about Miyamoto Musashi, a famed historical warrior and swordsman, including a six movie series about his life, starring Yorozuya Kinnosuke.
Ixtli was the only son of a famed warrior and chieftain of the Aztecan clans, by name Aztotl, or the Red Heron.
The son of a famed warrior known as the Lion of Kandahar, Mr. Shirzai was nonetheless an unpopular figure, because his rule as governor had been marked by corruption and chaos.
According to Tacitus in his book Germania (chapter 30), they were disciplined warriors famed for their infantry, who (unusually for Germanic tribes) used trenching tools and carried provisions when at war.
Fyodor was a berserker, one of the famed warriors of Rashemen, a champion among the protectors of his homeland.
The mythology of the place has the famed warrior Finn McCool swapping shouted threats with a Scottish giant over the sea.
His grandfather, Pahlk Orlong, was a famed warrior who had, centuries before, gone into the lowlands from the Laederon Plateau and slew many "children", as the Teblor call lowlanders.
The class is named after the lead ship of the class, in honour of Hang Kasturi who is one of the five famed warriors of the Malacca Sultanate.
George W. Bush and a phalanx of famed cold warriors brought it off this week.
Various political and military groupings in Arab and Muslim countries continue to use the name up to the present, seeking to emulate the famed ancient warriors.