But the Songbook Series, for all its would-be innovations, remains a basically familiar format.
Adapting familiar formats to new circumstances can be unsettling.
It also offers users the choice of working a classic, familiar format and switching to an updated look with added features when they choose.
The waltz was a familiar format in popular songs until the 2010s.
The presentation is packaged in the familiar format of Before and After.
Shows that mimic the familiar format - a host, a celebrity guest, a studio audience - are now a common feature of life on line.
The formula for a pop hit is to put a veneer of novelty on a familiar format, and what's more familiar than television?
It was a well-edited newspaper, its size and familiar format developed gradually.
The paperback has been around for long enough for it to be the familiar, default format for many older people.
After the special prayers, Pastor Harris returned the service to a more familiar format.