On view as well are several of art history's most familiar, if least exhibited, masterpieces.
Surrounded by more familiar painted masterpieces from El Greco to Zurbaran, they are electrifyingly powerful: the size of life and fully as profound.
Whatever the reason, performances concentrated mainly on the familiar masterpieces, yielding few revelations.
He brought fresh vigor to this familiar masterpiece, and took every structural repeat indicated in the score.
What makes the show special, though, is that it unites rarely seen paintings from distant corners of the former Soviet Union with familiar masterpieces from the West.
WHEN is yet another recording of a familiar masterpiece by a veteran performer not redundant?
The museum could easily rotate a handful of familiar masterpieces, and we'd be happy to see them.
I can see her now, her long body drooping a little forward, her sweet face upraised to some discovered familiar masterpiece and shining with a delicate enthusiasm.
Now another familiar masterpiece is under attack.
Not so apt, you might think, for a familiar masterpiece like Beethoven's Eroica Symphony.