Does that not sound like a familiar profile?
There was a large thump inside Cat's chest as he recognized the familiar profile.
Complain exclaimed, eyes fixed on that familiar profile.
Elspeth swore silently as she caught a familiar profile out of the corner of her eye.
A slender figure, in the uniform of a lieutenant of rifles, with dark waving hair and a familiar profile.
The evening service had only just begun, there were very few people; I looked round me, and suddenly, near a window, caught sight of a familiar profile.
Just in the shelter of the slanted roof on the far side he saw a couple of familiar profiles.
Cliff-Watcher could only agree, and kept looking for a familiar profile, but found none.
Boeing has instead offered a larger version of its 747, the plane whose familiar profile has dominated air travel for the last 30 years.
The sheet metal is all new, with a longer hood but still a familiar profile: Honda calls it the "one-motion" design.