Following a family bereavement, I'm taking my mother, sister, and niece on a short trip to visit some relatives over in north Lincolnshire.
Lockhart's life was saddened by family bereavement, resulting in his own breakdown in health and spirits.
David Damiani's life since 1948 was a mixture of family bereavement, hardship and moderate business success.
He had intended to lie about being called back to Stone, following a family bereavement.
Sprott withdrew following a family bereavement and was replaced by Neil Perkins.
This roughly corresponds to the onset of important family bereavements.
Keiron Cunningham does not travel due to a family bereavement, as he still awaits his 500th game at professional level.
Stressful periods such as examinations, family bereavement, marriage or moving house have been suggested to intensify bruxism.
However, he failed to figure in Dundee's following promotion season, which was partly due to a family bereavement.
In November that year, after a five year break with a finger injury and family bereavements, she resumed her playing career.