Victor is a young man of good breeding, who keeps his dead parents in the bedroom of their sumptuous family cottage.
Mud is thrown at the door of the family cottage.
It was bought in 1950 by an old railroad employee once it shut down and was turned into a family cottage.
In fact, there are stories about one family that was not only kicked out but also had to take the family cottage off the camp property.
William was granted the license for the Highercombe Hotel adjacent to the family cottage.
She rarely saw the family cottage in Niantic.
Not since that final summer in the family cottage on the lake, the year of her father's death.
She started along the dirt road leading down the hillside to the family cottages that rayed out from the lodge and the conference buildings.
He's not at home right now, though, he's out at the family cottage in Mattawa.
And when she saw the family cottage, it seemed to be part of her body and life, as it always did.