My original affection for Bloomsbury and its intricate family gossip has never faded.
The house was suddenly alive with children's excited voices and the steady hum of family gossip.
There was little more than family gossip and society to report.
Let them catch up on family gossip on their own time.
Other letters include family gossip, ask why Sala does not write more often or discuss the small payments she sends them.
Somehow, I can't imagine he just wants to catch up on family gossip.
Sometimes I wonder how long my aunts can live on one piece of family gossip.
One would just like to see for oneself if Dorothy were as pretty as family gossip reported.
Talk was easy, chiefly carried on by the men, who spoke about the local elections, golf, and family gossip.
After 18 years she knows these monkeys well, and stories about them crop up in her conversation like juicy bits of family gossip.