Many individuals and families have hosted young Israelis since the beginning of the project.
Students and families have hosted annual visits by Japanese students.
The family would host a potlatch and bestow the new ancestral name on the person.
For 517 years, her family has hosted an annual vegetable competition.
A. Ten years ago, my family hosted a high school exchange student from Colombia.
Growing up, she was surrounded by music, particularly jazz, as her family hosted small recitals for friends and neighbors.
Some 6,500 American families have hosted participants in more than 1,900 communities around the country.
Just hours earlier, the family had hosted the wedding reception of their other daughter Suzanne at the house.
It was the tradition that the bridegroom's family hosted the celebration after the church service.
Local families host the students providing free room and board, while the district offers one year of school at no cost to the student's family.