Sam went back to the hotel where his family was staying and presented them with the tickets.
The family presented the castle to Kenilworth in 1958 and English Heritage has looked after it since 1984.
At the trial, however, the 10 plaintiffs and the family of the suicide victim presented evidence suggesting that church officials had been warned.
Surely his family could present their best boots forward for only a fortnight!
Mrs. Keith's family had presented it to her.
Weaver then granted an interview with a newspaper reporter in which he, family and friends present that day denied firing on the helicopter.
Once the dowry was settled, the bride's family presented her with an inheritance of livestock or servants.
The families present a pageant of suffering that crowds the judge's days and troubles her nights.
In truth, the imperial family does not actually give the prize, but only presents it on behalf of the Japan Art Association.
At this time, the groom's family may present a small sum to replace the bride-price.