When the family reached the third floor, they were hit with a blast of heat and smoke.
Finally, the family reaches a point where they can't stand it anymore, so Ken comes back to me and we get into gear.
"I get nervous that my family can't reach me," she said.
More often than not, however, both families reach toward a middle ground and express that they have learned from the experience.
The entire family reaches the police station to get him released.
The family again reached prominence in the 16th and 17th centuries.
He helped a family reach safety, taking the bullets into his own poor, broken body before falling to the ground.
The family reached the height of its power in the 15th Century when facing off against the monarchy.
If the family did not reach 200 points, $25,000 was still awarded to their charity.
It was almost a week before the family reached the mainland.