A family of four that goes to the movies twice a month, he said, would save $260 a year.
He went to the office the next day to see what his family had "saved" for Oakland.
And the average family would save $1,200 a year under the plan that I offered without any erosion in the quality of health care.
But few families can save even $2,000, so the number of those making a full contribution would fall if the limit rose.
A comparable family with a college tuition bill of more than $10,000 would save $1,500 a year.
Many families are saving to buy a new computer for the holidays.
If given the chance, he added, his family could have saved the company.
Under the proposal, the average family of four would have saved $33 in the first year.
The 10 families are now saving again to build homes and a temple.
A typical family with two children will save $1,600 a year on their federal income taxes.