All this recreational family togetherness is not limited to the summer months.
The family dinner has long been an example of family togetherness.
"We encouraged family togetherness," the captain says, in the sardonic voice that runs all through the novel.
"We've had enough of family togetherness this winter to last a lifetime."
There, a committee set aside this entire week for family togetherness - though it couldn't resist scheduling addiction.
Can't one just say that summering at one's parents' house represents a celebration of family togetherness?
The reasons vary, but many home schooling parents say their prime motivation is a desire for family togetherness.
"Picking an auspicious date is all in the spirit of family togetherness," she said.
This excites Jimmy, who has experienced little family togetherness since the death of his mother some years ago.
"This was supposed to be this summer of family togetherness," she said one friend told her.