Understandably, he is less nimble in scenes that have him confessing his dream of returning to the family vineyard and getting serious about wine.
Closing his eyes, Picard found himself imagining the family vineyard on Labarre.
Andrew returned in 1987 to manage the family vineyard after studying viticulture at the University of Arkansas.
Duboeuf helped on the family vineyard growing up, cranking the manual grape crusher when he was just six.
(He played an opera star who moved back to the family vineyard.)
Perhaps my father was right when he advised me to remain on Earth and run the family vineyard.
After the war, her husband ran Chateau Lafite, one of the family vineyards.
The early 1920s saw a flurry of winemaking activity when several families immigrated to the area to establish family vineyards and wineries.
For those who run a growing number of family vineyards across the country, such barriers make little sense.
There are now nearly 4,000 family vineyards, some in every state, including Alaska.