A number of specialist outlets were able to open legally, including garden centres, small "corner" or family-run shops, and chemists.
The neighborhood's main thoroughfare, Court Street, is peppered with small family-run shops where one can buy fresh pasta, cheeses, breads and pastries.
Taichung has a vibrant, diverse economy that incorporates traditional businesses, small family-run shops and factories, large industrial areas, and a thriving commercial sector.
Many smaller, family-run shops stick to the traditional opening hours of 9am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 7.30pm (or 4pm to 8pm) Monday to Friday.
The remainder of the private sector consists of family-run shops, taxis, and other micro-enterprises.
For 38 years, people gathered in the cramped little family-run shop to wait for Walter's liverwurst and his tuna.
Luigi DiPalo, co-owner of the family-run shop, which opened in 1910, said that only local residents would put up with such a system.
C Map This is a long-standing family-run shop with camping gear, swimming goggles, pocket knives, compasses, hard-wearing bags and even sports trophies for sale.
Private enterprises, meaning family-run shops, were not allowed until after 1978, and even then they were limited to seven employees.
Hypermarkets have hit corner grocery stores particularly hard, but they are not the only threat to Spain's traditional fabric of family-run shops.