And overlooking the main kitchen on an upper level is a small chef's table for family-style dinners.
Doubles are $130, including taxes, breakfast, family-style dinner and programs like stargazing and slide shows.
With the family-style dinner, $12 gets you meat, veg, side dish, dessert and drink.
Starting on Tuesday, the restaurant will offer a family-style pass-and-serve dinner for $19.95 in the front dining room (minimum of two diners).
A family-style dinner for parties of six or more is being offered from Tuesdays through Fridays.
On Sunday family-style dinners for two are available.
A family-style dinner is included in the price, $28 for members, $38 for nonmembers; reservations, (212) 439-0580.
It was a pretty nifty honor for a show whose costume budget didn't exceed the cost of a family-style Chinese dinner.
On Sunday nights it sets aside the regular menu and serves a family-style Italian dinner ($28 a person).
After the last dinner was served one night, the staff sat down at a back table for a family-style dinner of their own.