Nityananda Swami - the famous Indian saint who lived in the late 18th and early 19th century.
He became a very famous saint and is also known as Sant Bhartrhari by the people of North India.
Gwaldys soon had a son, the famous saint Cadoc.
These were the descendants of Jahaniyan Jahangasht a famous sufi saint.
It is not known, for example, whether the Clifton hermit was himself called Vincent and later became associated with the famous saint.
However, he became a disciple of Ramananda, another famous saint of that time.
The chief temple is of about the middle of the seventeenth century and belongs to Changdev, a famous saint said to have lived for 1,400 years.
He is a descendant (sajjada nashin) of a famous Sufi saint.
The shrine of a famous Sufi saint lies in Kalingapatnam.
The movie is a devotional biopic, extolling the virtues and miraculous powers of the famous Maharashtrian saint.