In 1909 he was behind the public discussion on social issues which led to the famous clash between Prime Minister Andrew Fisher and Rev. John Ferguson.
There have been several famous clashes between Speakers and the government.
Just days after announcing yet another retirement, Williams called out Mark Potter for a rematch of their famous clash in 2000 when Williams knocked out Potter despite having a dislocated shoulder.
Not once have there been famous clashes between different factions of supporters of them, in the streets as well as inside the stadium.
This is the famous "clash of civilizations" in human form.
The newspaper's most famous clash with the BBFC came in 1997 when the Board released the David Cronenberg film Crash without cuts.
One of the famous clashes was back in 2005 where both teams ended up drawing 2-2 in front of 48,000 spectators in the Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium .
There are a few bright moments in the book, like the account of the famous clash between George Bush and CBS's Dan Rather.
Responsible for controlling Wehrmacht elements after close of hostilities in famous clash between police and army which led to reorganization of governmental apparatus, out of all this the NSDAP emerging victor.
Two years later, he was victorious in one of the most famous clashes in jumps racing history when Monksfield rode to a famous victory over Sea Pigeon in the Champion Hurdle.