Maranville was known as one of "baseball's most famous clowns" due to his practical jokes and lack of inhibitions.
In 1957, Gardner also appeared on the show made up as a clown along with guest challenger (famous clown) Paul Jung.
He arguably became the most famous clown in Mexico.
Mr. Weaver doesn't tell all that many stories about the famous clowns he knew.
A famous clown in his own era, Read may have been a member of the King's Men in 1641.
It was a nickname given to Careca as a child because of his admiration for a famous Brazilian clown of the same name.
With this name, he became the most famous clown in Italy in the 1920s.
"Circus U. has trained some of the most famous clowns in the country."
In the early years of his career, Melo worked with another famous Portuguese clown named Croquete.
But the man on the screen was not the famous clown of "The Great Dictator."