During his time at Roanoke Island, he made numerous famous drawings with watercolour of the landscape and native peoples.
Several of them, the following day, belonged to the last cart of the Terror which a famous drawing of Raffet illustrates.
The question now, though, was why Saunière would imitate a famous drawing.
The name of Bruegel's famous drawing is "The Beekeepers," but something more sinister than stealing honey seems to be going on here.
But there are many less famous early drawings from the 1940's, as well as the first hand-painted black-and-white works depicting common objects of the 1960's.
Perhaps his most famous drawing is one of a man in a box.
He points to a book, open to Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing of a soldier in profile.
The most famous drawings were found in the Kebir desert and are estimated to be from around 4000 BCE.
The Polynesian conception of the universe and its division is nicely illustrated by a famous drawing made by a Tuomotuan chief in 1869.
From this brief encounter - Rodin spent less than a week in Marseille - came 150 of his most famous drawings.