Harvey Joshua Levin, (1924-1992) was an American economist famous for his research into radio waves.
But scientific knowledge is not their only goal; as a famous economist once remarked, "The point is not to understand the world, but to change it."
The "famous economist" quoted above was Karl Marx, who also had ideas about economic design that ended disastrously.
The Bank publishes The Region, a magazine featuring articles about economic policy and interviews with famous economists.
He is a famous economist in mainland China.
He was one of the first economists to use mathematics in economics and taught a whole generation of famous economists.
By the time he was 35, Mr. Sachs was probably the most famous economist in the world.
But while Mr. Levitt is by far the most famous economist to take this approach, he is hardly alone.
In 1946 she got engaged to Ljubo Sirc who later became a famous economist.
Arthur Pigou was a famous economist who supported the sin tax.