Both twins understand the conservation of matter and Albert Einstein's most famous equation at the same age.
It is a famous equation in physics and math that shows what happens when mass changes to energy or energy changes to mass.
The equivalence is described by the famous equation:
Replies: Einstein's famous equation states the equivalency of energy and mass.
It is enshrined in his famous equation.
The implications of this special form of Einstein's formula have thus made it one of the most famous equations in all of science.
Matt Collings looks for the beauty and elegance in the most famous scientific equations.
And viewers who lock in for the whole two hours will come away with the ability to explain the famous equation instead of merely reciting it.
Her name is associated with the famous Michaelis-Menten equation in biochemistry.
This is used in some famous equations, like and (although more complex math beyond algebra was needed to come up with that last equation).