I stand prepared to bring thirty reliable witnesses to prove that Putnam's famous feat at Horseneck was insignificant compared to this.
Freeman was one of the top sluggers of his era, his most famous feat being the 25 home runs he hit during the 1899 season.
His most famous feats of escape, however, were due to dexterity and not to violence.
His most famous feat is throwing 15 to 20 dropkicks in a matter of 10 seconds.
The light conditions during Home's most famous feat of levitation were disputed, but some witnesses recorded that it was quite dark.
Her most famous feat was her tightrope walking act.
His most famous scoring feat was all seven goals in the 7-1 win at Aston Villa in December 1935.
One of their most famous feats involved Pudgy serving as the "understander", supporting Les (180 pounds) over her head in a hand to hand stand.
Perhaps Bennett's most famous feat was surrendering Maurice Richard's goal that established scoring 50 goals in 50 games.
His most famous feat was the walking of 1000 miles in 1000 hours for 1000 guineas in 1809.