Subjects range from famous intellectuals to low-level bank employees; several are described as persecuted Jews.
Since that period, radical feminism has generally been confined to activist student ghettos, inspired in part by famous intellectuals.
Thanks to his family background, Zhao was able to visit the antique collections of famous intellectuals of that time.
Sure, famous intellectuals like Allan Bloom at the University of Chicago may produce a half-dozen literates every semester.
This was in some sense a criticism from within, using French sources and polemical style against famous French intellectuals.
Both ware famous intellectuals of their time.
He was the son of a famous intellectual who committed suicide apparently in despair at the state of the Chinese nation.
Hundreds of articles and books addressed this question in the second half of the 18th century, drawing famous intellectuals including Herder and Schiller.
He was a member of the circle around Liang Qichao, China's most famous progressive intellectual.
Paul Johnson's Intellectuals proves that the public posture of famous left-wing intellectuals cannot be separated from their private lives.