Stacks of law books were all about; the walls were adorned with faded portraits of famous British jurists.
He was also the father of Philippe de Beaumanoir, the famous jurist, by his wife Marie.
Lives of the most famous Spanish jurists before the sixteenth century, with a story critical of his works.
He also met the famous jurist and mystic Ahmad Zarruq.
After 1960 Revolution, he worked in the commission for preparing an outline for new constitution with some famous jurists of Turkey.
His son, Zouki (Succo), became a famous jurist and philosopher.
Over the preceding six months, in anticipation of his role in the Armstrong case, Lezar had become the most famous jurist in the world.
H.) A famous jurist, exegete, critic, preacher and a prolific author, with works on nearly all subjects.
His son, Karl Friedrich, became a famous jurist.
Jacobus de Belviso, a famous civil jurist, taught here from 1316 to 1321.