Another famous lecture from this period, "The Value of an Ideal", was a stirring call to public service.
But just before we parted, the Irishma confided: 'My famous lecture about the good and ba novelists.
Salimullah Khan wrote a book on his famous lecture "Bangladesh: State of the Nation".
Mr. Derrida was returning to the very place where he had delivered his first, famous American lecture on his theory of deconstruction at a conference in 1966.
Self-Made Men is a famous lecture (1895).
This pre-dated Sir William Jones' famous lecture comparing Sanskrit with the Classical languages, by more than seventy years.
"Where is Mr. Lexman going to give this famous lecture of his?"
On 17 July 1892 she delivered her most famous lecture to a Sunday evening meeting of the Australian Socialist League at Leigh House.
She was coming to give her famous lecture "Place in Fiction" at the Woman's College at Duke.
He was in town to deliver his famous lecture, "Some Mistakes of Moses."