She died in childbirth and Shahjahan built her the most famous memorial a man ever offered to the woman he loved: the Taj Mahal.
See also our list of famous memorials.
Today, of course, the church has vanished but the fortress remains, and along the south wall you can still see one of the famous memorials of the pacification of Mexico.
And though Shah Jahan's famous memorial in Agra is far better known, the Ajanta Caves are hugely popular, particularly with Indians, who see them as eloquent testimony to their country's immense and unbroken history.
In Washington, DC, there is a famous and hallowed memorial to the American dead of the Vietnam War.
French, probably reflecting his own shaping of the figure of Lincoln in his famous memorial in Washington, changed Athena into the seated mother goddess.
Here is a short list (in no particular order) of some famous memorials:
Next door to his palace, in the Augustinerkirche Albert had a famous memorial to his wife carved by Antonio Canova.
Arnold Schoenberg's "Survivor From Warsaw" (1947), the most famous musical memorial to the Holocaust, falls easy prey to these pitfalls.
Our most famous memorial is the Lambarde Brass which is unique and is believed to be of Flemish workmanship.