The Russian victory was glorified in a famous ode by Gavriil Derzhavin, and in a Te Deum by Giuseppe Sarti.
One of his poems is the famous ode to the battle of Zalaca.
Performing "Lola," the Kinks's famous ode to transvestitism, Richard Barone hit another high, making the song theater when the inevitable huge, hairy, unidentified drag queen emerged to court him.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson, of course, had his mind on that other imperfect science - love - when, in 1842, he wrote his famous ode to spring.
One of the most famous odes written after Cowley in the Pindaric tradition is Wordsworth's "Intimations of Immortality."
In an odd way, the modern player has embraced Grantland Rice's famous ode to the Great Scorer, who "marks - not that you won or lost - but how you played the game."
It was not to a classical bronze, but to a Grecian urn that John Keats wrote his famous ode.
This storm became the topic of a famous ode by Gavrila Derzhavin.
The event was glorified by the court poet Derzhavin in his famous ode; he was later to comment bitterly on Zubov's inglorious return from the expedition in another remarkable poem.
Iolo Goch visited the property between 1367-82 and wrote a famous ode to the family and the old mansion house.