Also well known is Ivo Tijardović, and his famous operetta "Little Floramye" (Mala Floramye).
He composed some of the music in the famous operetta, Rose-Marie.
And it samples a famous 1916 Viennese operetta and an obscure 1941 Hollywood film, both of which sentimentalize Schubert's story while sugarcoating his music.
He also wrote sonatas, symphonic poems, marches, and a number of waltzes, some of which come from his famous operettas.
Thereafter until 1873 he remained one of the star actors of Offenbach's company, appearing in many of the premieres of Offenbach's most famous operettas.
Her stage name was taken from the titles of two then famous European operettas - Sari and Countess Maritza.
The Student Prince (1954), based on the famous operetta, with Ann Blyth, Edmund Purdom, and the singing voice of Mario Lanza.
His most famous operetta is "Szibill".
Two of his famous operettas are Di blumen-kenign (The Flower Queen) and Di tsigaynerin (The Gypsy Girl).
Friml wrote his most famous operettas in the 1920s.