Fish's legacy continues through his famous pamphlet.
In his famous pamphlet attacking the Sugar and Stamp Acts, he raised truly revolutionary questions: "Are not women born as free as men?
In a famous pamphlet, "The Jews and Their Lies," he described Jews as "children of the devil."
The use of differentials in this form attracted much criticism, for instance in the famous pamphlet The Analyst by Bishop Berkeley.
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, a famous pamphlet about independence from Britain.
In the same month, the Diggers issued their most famous pamphlet and manifesto, called "The True Levellers Standard Advanced".
Hill's famous pamphlet, Post Office Reform: its Importance and Practicability, referred to above, was privately circulated in 1837.
The use of infinitesimals in this form was widely criticized, for instance by the famous pamphlet The Analyst by Bishop Berkeley.
Is from 1908 that Barret begins to self-define as anarchist in his famous pamphlet My Anarchism.
Still, his famous gray pamphlet is no blueprint.