All songs are written by famous songwriters of said productions except for the opening and closing tracks composed by Reed himself.
As for the previous albums, Kaas was surrounded by famous songwriters who had already worked with her.
The most famous songwriter of the early 20th century "Wobblies" was Joe Hill.
This particular Underground Railroad route assumed national importance because of its relationship to two famous songwriters.
He has been described by a council source as a candidate for Tyneside's most famous songwriter.
Although there is no evidence that these two famous songwriters ever met, the play considers the possibility by chronicling two conversations between the men.
She dreams of becoming a famous songwriter.
Mickey Newbury is a songwriter most famous for a song he arranged, but did not write.
Haifa worked with various famous songwriters, composers, and arrangers on this album.
By 1924, Irving Berlin was the most famous songwriter in America, even though he could neither read nor write music.