Nor did Emma Lazarus's famous sonnet, inscribed on the Lady's pedestal, move her in quite the same way it had moved my consciousness as a child.
But when you come upon any of the most famous sonnets ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
With the famous sonnet 18 ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day") the tone changes dramatically towards romantic intimacy.
(b) What is the title of the volume of poetry in which this famous sonnet was first published?
As Helen Vendler has observed, "This famous almost 'impersonal' sonnet on the marriage of true minds has usually been read as a definition of true love."
Sonnet 73, one of William Shakespeare's most famous sonnets, focuses upon the theme of old age, with each of the three quatrains encompassing a metaphor.
The massacre prompted John Milton's famous sonnet, "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont".
His famous sonnet "10 de octubre", later to become one of his most famous poems, was also written during that year, and was published later in his school newspaper.
In his famous sonnet, Shakespeare wrote, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate."
The poet in return immortalized his friend in a famous sonnet in which Milton, with a musical perception not common amongst poets, describes the great merit of Lawes.