Brown's team famously named Eris and its moon Dysnomia with the informal names Xena and Gabrielle, respectively, after the two main characters of Xena: Warrior Princess.
Today this rasgulla famously named Bikali Kar Rasgulla is sold all over Odisha Another variant of this dish that is made in the town of Pahal, located between the cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack, is also very popular locally.
The Gulag Archipelago, as one of its most famous zeks, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, famously named it, was an intricate chain of prisons, labor camps and remote areas of exile stretching across thousands of miles.
John Hayes is a radio executive, famously named "The Incubus" by Howard during his days as Vice-President and General Manager at WNBC replacing Randy Bongarten.
Milligan famously named Woy Woy "the largest above ground cemetery in the world" when visiting in the 1960s.
In his treatise "De l'Amour," Stendhal famously named this creative process "crystallization" after a phenomenon observed in the mines of Salzburg: crystallization turns a bare tree branch into an object of salt-encrusted beauty, turns a mere person into an object of erotic love.
John Hayes is a radio executive famously named "The Incubus" by Howard Stern from his days as Vice President and General Manager at WNBC.
The team, famously named The Ferbey Four, popularized the "fourth" shooting position.
STEVE: ...shortly explain, Netscape named a completely unrelated client-side web browser scripting language JavaScript, though it has nothing to do with Java, which is what Sun Computers' Scott McNealy famously named their interpreted object-oriented set-top box language when they were developing it.
A political candidate named Duconnaud famously proposed, as an electoral promise, to "extend the boulevard Saint-Michel to the sea."