Boarding Créole, Toussaint Louverture famously warned his captors that the rebels would not repeat his mistake:
Ecclesiastes famously warns us that "Of making many books there is no end" - the same, of course, applies to book commentaries.
Since 1823 when President James Monroe famously warned Europe about interfering in the new world, the United States has taken a particular interest in the Western Hemisphere.
And he famously warned against giving in to fear.
The only general to be elected president in the 20th century, he famously warned the nation about the "military-industrial complex":
"Trust but verify," he famously warned, describing the perils of dealing with the Soviet Union.
During that time, Adam Smith famously warned against the "interested sophistry" of industry, seeking to gain advantage at the cost of the consumers.
Sojourner Truth famously warned that this division would cripple the movement for decades to come - and it did.
W.C. Fields famously warned against working with animals and children, but the makers of "Hotel for Dogs" ignored that advice.
"It is fun to have fun," the Cat famously warned, "but you have to know how."