Unsportsmanlike conduct is something most players and fans dislike.
This changed the dynamic of the story, and some fans disliked the affair due to the history between Jackson and Herbst.
Many fans disliked the progressive direction, expecting a reprise of Borrowed Time.
The play had all the elements that cause fans to like and dislike stars who have a high regard for themselves.
Warnings/Promises received mainly positive reviews; however, some critics and fans disliked the band's direction with this album.
Many fans disliked these remixes,and complained, preferring the raw blues sound of the original releases.
While critical reaction to Jo Harvelle was mixed, many fans disliked the character.
Due to the film's poor acting and semi-comedic script, most Kiss fans disliked the film.
Some fans disliked the idea of a young boy who seems to constantly save the whole ship as a deus ex machina plot device.
Curbing a Habit It is not just poor sportsmanship that British fans dislike about some tennis players.