However, with the help of various hints in the course of the series, many fans guessed their ages to be approximately 13-14 (with 13 being the more likely) at the start.
When the fan correctly guessed that Trottier was the answer (he had 8 points against the Rangers on Dec. 23, 1978), there were more boos, but they seemed half-hearted.
On May 21, 2012, a contest concluded where a fan guessed the new album name from a series of clues.
For the most part, it's so well cast that fans of the novel will easily guess from the opening credits which actor has which role.
As the show's fans might guess, it's this: She didn't detect as much longing in Stephen's voice as she would have liked, given that she had jilted him.
Digital Reality held a contest where fans could guess the game's release date.
With the release of "o" the following month, fans guessed that Lee was the visually distorted lead singer.
It used to be that the fan would guess whether Pat or Ron would be the closest to the actual attendance.
At a 2005 Philadelphia 76ers game, then 76er Kyle Korver quoted the movie for a contest where fans guessed the movie a 76ers player was quoting.
A competition was held at the official Grave Digger-homepage where the fans could guess who the new, second guitarist would be.