In Monopoly, some fans insist, the railroads are best.
England's long history of hooliganism made this game a potential hot spot, though several English fans insisted their loutish image was no longer deserved.
Now, he says, the fans insist the Giants must win with flair.
The online protests were legion, as many fans insisted that the handles should be white.
The current club used the date of the 1881 match with St Marks, whilst some fans and researchers insist upon 1879.
Instead their fans insist they perform for us and please us.
"Our fans will insist on it," Miss Petunia said confidently.
If fans insist on worshiping these young athletes growing up under uncommon pressures, they do so at their own risk.
But Cerrone said the fan insisted on a "significant sum of money," and the Yankees would not make the deal.
The fan insisted he had it on a record.