Ted Hendry, the umpire at third, signaled fan interference and called Boggs out as the ball fell into Henderson's glove.
A home run was called, although the correct call was fan interference.
But the umpires saw the fan interference and quickly told Bonds to stop trotting at second base.
Part of the "Sabre Edge" subscription package provides a number of limited access message boards, which were designed to keep out rival fan interference.
Elvis would rent the entire park on occasion just to ride it without constant fan interference.
He is also frequently placed in locations where he receives an increased degree of fan interference during his reporting.
Although it appeared to be fan interference, the umpire ruled the ball to be a home run.
That was fan interference, and that's what I signaled.
It has to do with the fan interference, the very uncharacteristic error by Gonzo, because he doesn't miss anything.
Section 3.16 of the baseball rules says if fan interference prevents a fielder from catching a ball, "the umpire shall declare the batter out."