A big fan of soccer, aged 13 he organised a community soccer team with himself as team captain.
The fans also organized dances and asados.
On May 25, 2001, two weeks after Adams's death, his fans organised a tribute known as Towel Day, which has been observed every year since then.
The original fans first organized to try to save the series from being canceled by Fox Broadcasting Network.
Acevedo created the site to allow fans to "organize, read, better understand and better enjoy the extensive amount of information" presented during the popular science-fiction saga.
The song and choreography has had an impact on pop culture outside of Korea where many international fans have organized flash mobs.
For their part, fans organized online to demand its release.
Master Krishnarao's friends, fans, and disciples had organised a three day festival of music.
Meanwhile, fans, at the encouragement of Dischord, organized a letter-writing campaign protesting Nike's infringement.
His fans, called the Soul Patrol, organized online and each week voted the entire time the phone lines were open.