In the same message, they also announced that they will be holding auditions for lead vocalist, and any fan could participate.
The fans who had the chance to listen to the new song participated at the video clip as well.
Players, fans, and all the supporting communities could participate and benefit.
Over 35,000 fans participated in the Houston Astrodome scene.
On the final day of the season fans would participate in a pre-game "claw and antlers" parade.
This allows the fans to participate in the process of discovery.
A contest was held where over 250,000 fans participated.
The assortment of support is very wide; teenage and elderly fans alike consider themselves members and participate.
Reddick has since mentioned making a music video for the song, that will also allow fans to participate.
The purpose of this was so that fans could see how far into recording the band was, and maybe even participate in the recording.